Guide For Packing Survival Kits

Packing Survival Kits

Although disasters are unavoidable, you can strongly increase your chances of survival by packing survival kits for yourself and your family. Survival kits are extremely helpful and can literally end up saving your life in case of an emergency.

By knowing exactly how to pack survival kits and ensuring they are adequately stocked with all the essential items, you will have prepared yourself and your family to get through the worst. Surely, this is very important but how do you do this? Well, this can be quite challenging but don’t worry. This short article will give you guidelines on packing survival kits.

Packing Survival Kits

Think ahead

One of the most important things you should do when packing survival kits for your family is to think ahead. Picture the fact that during a disaster day, your family daily life will be disrupted and even the comforts and necessities that your take for granted will be in short supply or non-existent. There may be lack of water or your supply may become infected with hazardous material. Trips to shops may be long or even impossible. In addition, medical professionals may take long to get to you and even if they do, they will already be stretched to the limit.

By thinking ahead, you will be able to figure a lot of what you need to include in your survival kits. However, just to give you a general yet very useful guide on packing survival kits, read the following short steps.

Get a metallic container

First of all, you need to get a stainless steel coated metallic container into which you will put your survival essentials. The container should be strong, study and rust resistant. It should also be spacious enough and if possible, divided into compartments to hold items separately. Note that if you are preparing survival kits for your children, backpacks are ideal because even small kids can comfortably carry them.

Packing Survival Kits

Pack food items

You need to make sure that you have adequate food to last your for at least 7 days in your survival kit. Ideally, carry preserved, canned or dried foods. These are the best because they stay fresh for long and their nutritional content remains unaltered provided they are consumed before their expiry dates. Also make sure you have adequate water to last you for a week. A fish line and a hook are hardy just in case you run out of food.

Have items to start a fire

When disasters strike, you may find yourself stuck in the cold bush for nights. It’s therefore important to make sure you have items needed to start a fire while packing your survival kits. Make sure you add waterproof matches, aluminum foil and wax paper to your kits. Old newspaper may also work well provided you keep them dry.

Packing Survival Kits

Include multi-purpose items

When packing your survival kits, include multi-purpose items such as a knife and a plastic poncho. The bright color of the poncho may attract help when raised and at the same time keeps your body dry and may act as a cover for your shelter. Bright emergency blankets and garbage bags can also keep you warm and dry but catch an infection. Also include pain killers and emergency medical supplies such as gauze, bandages, scissors and cotton wool. Injury treatments such as betadine are also one of the items you should not leave out when packing survival kits for your family.if waved in the air, they signal passing air traffic.

First aid box

Lastly, packing your survival kit will not be complete until you include a first aid box. Include broad spectrum antibiotics such as amoxyclave.