In the event of a disaster or emergency, it is imperative that the necessary supplies are at hand in order to maintain survival. The 4 Person Survival Kit, manufactured by Ready America, is an emergency backpack with everything that is needed to survive those initial few hours after an emergency.
Why is important to have emergency supplies in the event of a disaster or other emergency:
Humans will need to be self-sufficient for three days after a disaster, according to national governments, and it is therefore imperative that a family has access to vital supplies in order to survive. The survival kit contains enough water and food for four people, and can be kept at home, in the garage, in the boot of a car, in the office, or elsewhere. The kit also comes equipped with four comfortable survival blankets, ideal for adverse weather conditions, and four ponchos which can fit the entire family. There is also a first aid kit, essential for any minor injuries after a disaster or emergency, leather gloves, four goggles and four dust masks to protect the eyes and face.
Can this product ensure the safety of me and my family during an emergency situation?
All Ready America products have been designed for efficiency during an emergency situation, and are essential if the unexpected occurs. All items in this particular kit are well packed and can easily be accessed. With enough supplies for the whole family four at least three days, the backpack can be easily stored and transported. The pack is light enough to be carried from point A to B with relative ease, and can be stored in an area of the house or garage safely.
What are the specifications of this product?
The bag is 8 inches in height, 12 inches in width, and 18 inches in length, and contains food and water which has been approved by the United States Coast Guard. There are enough emergency supplies for four people to last 72 hours or more, as recommended by the American Red Cross Also included with every kit is duct tape, and four light-sticks which last at least 12 hours, ideal if power is out, enabling you to see in dark conditions. Tissues, an emergency whistle, three bio-hazard bags, a list of contacts and plans for an emergency communication, and towelettes which have been pre-moistened during the manufacturing process have also been provided.
There is also a power station which is included and can be used in an emergency situation, which contains a phone charger for cell phones, an AM and FM radio, a flashlight, and a siren. Ready America are known for their excellent customer service and are happy to provide individuals with more information about how to make the most out of their survival kit, ideal if an individual has a question about how to use a particular item in the backpack. The company can be contacted on their website. The 4 Person Survival Kit can make the difference between life and death in an emergency situation and is one of the most popular survival kits on the market.