Survival foods are very important in case of a potential emergency. As food prices increase, it is a wise investment to stock up on various foods. The best survival food is one with a high amount of calories and a long shelf life. Many stores only have enough food to last for three days. This would result in extreme chaos in most communities if an emergency was to take place.
There are many important survival food staples to store. It is best to keep the list simple and store foods that will last for an extended amount of time.
Important Food Staples to Store
Rice is a great staple food because it will last for 10 years or more if it is correctly stored. This staple food is high in carbohydrates, which is vitally important to your health if you are using up a lot of physical energy in a crisis.
Beans are also a great staple food to have on hand in case of a potential disaster. Beans have a high protein content and if they are stored with ice, they can also last for up to 10 or more years. They should be stored in a dark, dry location.
Cornmeal is the best flour to store. In order to extend the shelf life of cornmeal, it should be stored the same way beans are stored– in a dry, dark location and with a small amount of dried ice. By doing this, the cornmeal has a potential shelf life of eight months to two years. Cornmeal contains dense carbohydrates and this is the nutrient that extends it’s shelf life.
Salt is a useful survival food item. It can be used for storing food and flavoring most foods. It is an item that will last for a long time, so stocking up on it while at the store would be an extremely wise investment.
Canned fruits and vegetables are a good item to have on hand. Most canned foods are good for at least five years. Green vegetables and fruits such as peaches are the types of items that should be bought in this category of food.
Canned meat such as ham, tuna, chicken, etc. is a good item to store. They will last for up to ten years, but they are also a great source of protein. However, fishing and hunting can provide a lot of meats so only buying these items every other time you go to the store would be a wise investment.
Pasta is a great source of carbohydrates and is a light weight item, making it very easy to store. Pasta can be kept in good condition for about five years. It is one of the most inexpensive foods customers can buy.
Peanut butter is a great staple food for people to have on hand. It is a great source of protein and it can last them up to five years. It is also a tasty food they will be glad to have in case of a disaster.
By purchasing these items and keeping them on hand, people will have the best survival food in case a potential disaster takes place. If they purchase these items 3-4 times a month, they will have a year’s supply of staple food on hand.