Best Emergency Kit To Help You Survive In Any Scenario

Emergency Kit

There are a number of emergency preparedness kit available in the market place. People looking to select a particular kit might really struggle to pick the right one that meets most of their requirements. The information provided here on the best emergency kit available, Stansport Deluxe Emergency Preparedness kit, would be extremely useful for such people looking to select the right emergency kit.

Major Features of Stansport Deluxe Emergency Preparedness kit

Stansport Emergency kit comes with 50 items that are extremely important for a person to survive in the case of an Emergency situation arising due to Hurricanes and Earthquakes. All the 50 items are securely packed in a cargo bag that measures 30 inches by 14 inches. The range of items that comes as part of the kit are given below.

1. Propane stove and Emergency light sticks for cooking purposes

2. Portable Lantern and Flashlights for providing brightness to the region that has been blacked out due to power cuts

3. First Aid Kid that contains 42 first aid items and signal whistles for sending distress signals

4. Sleeping bags and emergency blankets for sleeping during night time

5. Tarps, Safety vests and Ponchos

6. Five-Gallon water jug, water purification kit and 6 Emergency water packets

7. Emergency Food bars

8. Multi purpose tool and Multi function knife

9. sticks for igniting fire and 50 foot rope

Stansport Emergency kit can be stored easily in side the house or in the trunk of the car. If there is a provision for storage in the office, one can also store the emergency kit in their office.

Emergency Kit

Pros of using a Best Emergency Kit in the form of Stansport Deluxe Emergency Preparedness kit

There are a number of benefits available in acquiring Stansport Emergency kit

1. This kit is a great value for money as it provides more value by providing additional items such as cards, chocolates and canned goods in addition to the basic items that are usually provided as part of an emergency kit.

2. Unlike items in other kits that requires certain amount of assembling to be done at the customer’s end, this kit comes with items that come in a ready to use state

3. The bag that contains the entire set of 50 items can be conveniently stored in the corner of a room in a closet or in the trunk of the car

4. The items available in the Stansport Emergency kit have been checked for its quality and performance before being included as part of the kit.

5. The kit also comes with a water proof match box that can be extremely helpful for cooking purposes during rainy seasons

6. All the basic needs of a family including food, shelter and clothing required for a family are available as part of this kit. AM radio helps the family members to stay informed regarding the relief work that is being carried out by the authorities . AM radio can also help in providing the contact numbers of the key local administration personnel.


1. Some people feel that the batteries needed for operating the AM radio should also be included as part of the kit

2. The stove or the burner does not come along with a gas tank

With very few cons when compared against the several benefits offered by Stansport Emergency kit, it can easily lay claim to being the best emergency kit available in the emergency supplies marketplace.

==> Click here to get the Best Emergency Kit To Help You Survive In Any Scenario, the Stansport Emergency kit. <==